Project Leader
UISP (Italian Union of Sport For All) is the Sports Promotion Agency that aims to extend the right to sport to all citizens: gives everybody the possibility to practice sports, independently of the absolute results, no discriminations (race, gender, ability, age); on the contrary promotion of social inclusion, focuses on the “individual”, the citizen.
Several activities and projects are carried out, focusing on social value of sport:
Sport for integration of people with mental diseases, sport to promote social values,
fighting doping and drugs, sport as an element of international cooperation in Palestine,
Saharawi, Senegal, sport to promote health in young and elder people, sport as a tool of
social inclusion of minorities and disadvantaged and socially vulnerable people (Roma,
orphans, inmates, immigrates.
Freedom Gate Greece is an association founded in June of 2012 with a goal of fighting every form of social exclusion as well as promoting the psychosocial support of vulnerable groups.
It actions focus on the support of prisoners’ familiar environment with special care to underage children of the family, on rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders, on support programs for incarcerated parents and on research.
IRCrES, the Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth of the National Research Council of Italy, was established on October 21st 2014 through the merger of CERIS and the ISEM UOSs of Turin and Genoa.
The mission of IRCRES is to carry out research and development on three main thematic areas, namely: Evolution of the Italian and European industrial system; Organization and sustainability of the large systems of contemporary societies; Socio-economic analysis of environment.
Youth Council Next Generation is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in February 2010 in Skopje, the Republic of North Macedonia.
Next Generation is empowering youth participation through implementation and support of projects and initiatives directed towards youth development in our local, as well as a national and international community.