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Training Module
From the experience of the various partners involved, a Training Module was born - which can be exported to other countries - to address the issue of cyberbullying from different points of view. GUARD 2 is, indeed, a program that intends to act on a rather complex and sometimes difficult phenomenon to intercept: that of cyberbullying. The aim of GUARD 2 is in fact to create a network of educators - who operate both in the sporting and social/cultural fields - who can intercept situations of youth distress, to protect victims of cyberbullying and stop those who perpetrate certain bullies attitudes. But also to prevent and raise awareness among young people - approximately aged between 6 and 18 - on this issue, also making them face their own responsibilities.
First of all, it is necessary to identify the phenomenon of cyberbullying. Currently, there is no common definition of what cyberbullying is and as a result there is no uniform legislation. In Germany, for example, harassment, blackmail and extortion practiced online are not considered cyberbullying. In Cyprus and Hungary, however, the phenomenon is practically ignored. In this context, each country applies its own law: from this point of view, Italy - as well as Portugal and Slovenia - the sanction system is rather severe. This is why starting from the question "What is cyberbullying?" is essential. Subsequently, you need to learn to notice some warning signs - mood changes, difficulty interacting with others, eating disorders... - which may be indicative of cyberbullying.
The second phase is to offer Psychological First Aid to the victims of cyberbulliying through the motto "Listen, Protect, Connect and Support". PFA is, in fact, a supportive approach to help individuals affected by traumatic events, disasters, or crises. It aims to provide practical assistance and emotional support to promote coping and resilience. At this point we have 8 steps:
- Establish Safety;
- Active Listening and Validation;
- Education;
- Empowerment – Coping Skills;
- Documentation;
- Resources;
- Follow-up;
- Supporting the Bystanders
The last part concerns the handle case of cyberbullying to identifying the actors. •Understanding the characteristics and motivations of the various actors involved during an act of cyberbullying is important for taking action even after the cyberbullying has occurred, both to prevent it from happening again (prevention) and to work on the various actors and make them aware of their actions and the roles they played. It's worth noting that a bully, without accomplices, supporters, and passive bystanders, is less likely to act since they would lack the perceived support. We don't have to forgot that bullying and cyberbullying are social phenomena.
GUARD 2 - TRAINING MODULE -English Version
GUARD 2 - TRAINING MODULE -Italian Version
GUARD 2 - TRAINING MODULE -Macedonian Version

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